Veerle van Son

A screen full of numbers, but what does it mean? I love to discover the story that can be found within the data, and to present this story through carefully constructed graphs. I want to use data science to answer questions that are relevant to society.

I look at the world through a data lens. Almost anything in life can be used as a starting point for a data project. Everyone generates heaps of data every single day – for example by sending texts, or wearing an activity tracker. You can collect your own data set using pen and paper, record stuff on your phone, scrape the web, or download from the internet. Data can come from anywhere – it is truly all around us.

R has been my data analysis tool of choice since 2012. I regularly join R-Ladies meetups in the Netherlands. To introduce children to the joys of programming, I volunteer at my local Coderdojo. I live in the beautiful city of ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.

You can find me on Twitter (@veerlevanson), where my tweets are mostly about #TidyTuesday and R (#Rstats). My code can be found on Gitlab. Check my LinkedIn profile to learn more about my work experience.

Thanks for reading my blog!
- Veerle